Monday, 30 December 2013

Beijing Trip 2013

A week of holiday in Beijing with my parents, siblings, aunts and a cousin in an extremely cold winter weather. It's both fun and exciting having to go around city visiting a lot of places such as the famous Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City and The National Stadium.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Eid al-Fitr Special 2013

30 days of Ramadhan is over and everyone celebrates it with friends and family near and far. Throughout the Eid celebration this year, I've took the opportunity to master multi-exposure photogaphy as well as capturing the moments for a trip through memory lane in a few years to come.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

July 16th 2013 Collection

During this specific date I've taken a lot of pictures while hanging out with my friends. Out of all the piles of photos captured, only these photos are what I consider it to be the best.

(I'm obviously not in this picture since I'm the photographer)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

End of March 2013 Special

CS Club Outing Day. An event where Computer Science degree students are able to get along and play for half a day together. An opportunity to affiliate ourselves better with other participants who are from different batches as well our own.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Hong Kong & Shenzhen 2012

My holiday with my family to Hong Kong and Shenzhen for 3 days and 4 nights was one of the best I've had. Remembering the cold wind of winter and the skyscrapers of the places we visited was a really fun experience for us all. I even managed to capture plenty of pictures to share and keep. Some of 'em I would consider to upload them in DeviantArt cause they just seemed nice... and those pics I didn't upload it in the social network. Else they'll just drown in the hundreds of memory pics I uploaded.